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Look to the Positive

Writer: Christopher CravenChristopher Craven

Today I am going to be talking about a very sensitive topic that is going on today, even more popular than some of our favorite TV shows that we love to watch. Do not worry, I am not going to be instilling FEAR into your hearts, just like our lovable friend, the media, does to us every single time we wake up and think we are going to have a splendid morning. You know, whenever you make that first cup of coffee or brew a very aromatic tea, like lemon and honey, which is a lovely combination to energize you for your day. Then, as you chug your morning dew, think about life and what you are going to do to get yourself out there and be the best you can be, your phone rings and you get a notification on your phone on the latest update of the "Coronavirus". Then, the panic ensues. Let us slow down for a bit, because honestly, it is way too much for us to handle right now. Thanks to the media, blowing everything WAY out of proportion, we have started "panic-buying" and now are overstocked on essentials, which leads our stock market in a position of continuous decline. My sister said something to me the other day. She is a huge zombie fan, and she and I have watched enough movies and shows to know when the catalyst of catastrophe forms. She told me that this event has the making of an apocalypse. Okay, so I had to instill a tiny amount of fear to you. Plus, to make matters worse, there are even rumors of people around the country and even in California about ostracizing foreign citizens, like the Chinese, because some of our society believes that the virus is "hereditary", that it just passes to people of the same race.

Stop that! Bad! We are all the same! There is no point to this.

There isn't even an apocalypse to talk about, as long as we take a second to just breathe, relax, and most importantly, CALM DOWN. All this fear and panic is causing our society to panic beyond measure, and slowly fall apart. A couple months after the virus was reported in Wuhan, China, WHO announced the coronavirus, or CoVID-19 as a "global pandemic". Mm. Those words. Maybe that is what revved up our minds to think of the worst. Do not get me wrong, it is perfectly normal and okay to be aware and safe, even stock up on supplies. In fact, it's genius because it helps our chances of survival. That is most certainly not the problem I want to address today. No, I am talking about the needless fear and despair that is spreading even faster than the virus can.

Being an optimist has it's advantages. You always try to find the "silver lining" to any grim situation that befalls you and others you know and love. You just want to make it better for everyone. So, in order to help out the world, and to cure the fear settling within our hearts, I would like to talk about a positive outlook to the coronavirus outbreak.

I believe, that the coronavirus is a trial. A trial set by the world to challenge us. Luckily, I am not the first to think of this. A few days ago while I was at work, a couple coworkers told me the same, as did a few friends. Think about it, the only way we have been combating the virus is something we haven't done for so long: washing our hands and practicing good hygiene. A positive way to look at this is that if we see the coronavirus as a trial, I believe that when we overcome this, it would not only prove our strength, our power, but help us grow our bonds and friendships with people across the entire world. Simply put, we are keeping up good hygiene. obtaining healthier alternatives for our body, and are helping out others more often than we were before this epidemic was released.

So in times like these, we have to work together, and NOT shut ourselves in and turn away from the people you know. Because that is not being human. We have to stand up and fight this together, no matter what.

So, very quickly: wash your hands periodically, greet people with fist bumps or other forms of communication, and stay positive by keeping that thought in your heads. Don't forget to smile as well, because if we don't then we might as well have already fallen from hope.

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