What does it mean to "have wings"?
I was in the midst of my weekly cleaning duties, as I was granted a new task to clean the kitchen counter down, which has been unfortunately, neglected of care. But before I could start purging that counter of any and all germs, I had to reorganize some things that were left on the counter gathering dust. As I continued to empty it off of miscellaneous items, I happened to discover an old DVD beneath a very large green circular disc case. I looked closer and I saw that this was not just any DVD with a regular old movie on it. It was something better. This DVD, turned out to have a recording of one of my top 3 favorite shows I performed at KMC Onstage in Germany. This had the ENTIRE performance of a show called "Peter and the Star-catcher". What's "Peter and the Star-catcher" you might ask? For those of you who don't know, you can Google it to save some time, but to put it in the simplest terms possible, this play narrates the origins of the classic fairy-tale of "Peter Pan", and how he came to be known as such. You all know Peter Pan right? The guy (or girl, depending on if you're thinking about the Cathy Rigby version) in green tights who flies across the sky and is afraid of his own shadow and calls out like a rooster while always sings about "Never growing up". I was the lucky individual to play "Peter Pan', but before he was called that, he was simply referred to as "Boy". There were so many moving parts. We had acrobatics, dynamic lighting, breathtaking sets, and most of all, wonderful actors and actresses. We pooled in literally every resource we had to make this show shine. Because of that effort, we literally had a full house every night. The amount of fun I had with the entire cast, just singing and laughing and dancing along the black-colored floor, the moments that I shared with all of those wonderful individuals on the same stage were truly the moment that were the most memorable and the most valued.
Aye. looking at this small, plastic DVD brought back so many wonderful teary-eyed memories and filled my heart with an endless amount of joy. So you know what I did after that? In order to relive more of the moments from one of my best shows ever performed, I immediately stopped what I was doing and searched the insides of my house until I eventually pulled out an old DVD player. It only took a few seconds for me to plug that DVD drive into my laptop and boot up the disc. However, as I watching the show, it made me remember something in it that was so important that it needed to be discussed right here and now.
What does it mean when someone says to you "to have faith is to have wings"?
In these troubling times especially, a little "hope" is what we need to help us out of our worries. To put us at ease. Just as Wendy told this to the Boy, as he too was looking for a way to start a new life of his own. Being shipped off to a foreign country, forced to work for the rest of his life. He thought it was going to be a peaceful life, but once he learned of the cold, hard truth, he sought help.
You see, what does it really mean to "fly?" What do you think "flying" gives you? It can give you many things but one most importantly, is the feeling of freedom. To not be confined to any chains that hold you down to earth, that keep you in fear. "To have faith is to have wings". The Boy took that chance to spread his wings and find something new, something strong, and that is when he went on a grand adventure to find his name and his purpose. We too, as a society need to move forward to start our new ways of life, to "spread" our own wings, our own "hope" to tens, to hundreds, even thousands, MILLIONS! We need a way to gain this FREEDOM from spreading the wings of change, because once we do, then all of our worries will disappear. Try to spread your wings and look to hope, look to that freedom everyone is urging to obtain.